Located in the Municipal Building, the main city offices include the CityManager, City Clerk, Finance, Human Resources, Information Technology, and Public Information and Communication.
City Manager. The City Manager’s Office is responsible for ensuring that the City is being responsive to the needs of its citizens. This is accomplished by implementing City Council policy, responding to citizen inquiries and concerns, exercising fiduciary prudence with City monies, planning for the City’s future, and communicating to the public what is being done. TheAssistant City Manager oversees special projects and stays on top of the latest legislation. The office staff handle citizen requests and are available to take calls and answer questions.
City Clerk. The City Clerk works closely with the City Council and theCity Manager to prepare, maintain, record official actions taken by theCity Council, including ordinances, resolutions, minutes of meetings, proclamations, and is the custodian of city records. The City Clerk also serves as the administrator of City Elections. Other responsibilities of the City Clerk include: staffing City Advisory Boards and Committees, codification of City ordinances, legal advertisements and notices, and the City cemetery.